Andrea Fjeld
Andrea Fjeld
Associate Editor

Extreme Storytelling: Be the Boss of Your Own Movie Stars

Production company Tool of North America has created stunning ads and interactive media for brands like MTV and Bud Light, but we’ve never seen anything from them like this before. Realizing the iPad’s potential to transform the face of linear storytelling for the screen, Tool teamed up with Domani Studios to create  Touching Stories—a video series that puts viewers in control of their own film adventures. With so much power in your very fingertips, being a couch potato could soon become demanding — if exhilerating — work.

Tool tapped five different directors to demonstrate how they would tell stories through the new medium. They returned with four live-action shorts that take the art to the next level. Each allows viewers interact with the iPad’s screen to direct characters and alter story lines. In Tool’s words: “By touching, shaking and turning your iPad, you can navigate, unlock and reveal unexpected variations.”

Confused about what this actually looks like? Check out this behind the scenes footage here.

With new technologies like the iPad, there’s greater opportunity to connect with content—be it for sheer entertainment or branded media. Just imagine the possibilities for advertisers…

Image via Tool